Monday, June 16, 2008

Uno, Dos, Tres

How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 joys: 1. Listening to the kids laugh, or play nice together. 2. Date Night! YEAH!! 3. Camping

3 fears: 1. SNAKES, SNAKES, SNAKES 2. Losing my husband or a child 3. SNAKES AGAIN

3 goals: 1. Sell our house 2. Get back into the habbit of taking kids to church 3. Catch up on scrapbooking

3 current obsessions/collections: 1. DVR- sad but true. 2. Crafts, & sewing. 3. Taco Taste Pepsi's

3 random facts: 1. I love to decorate cakes. 2. I have moved while 6 months pregant with my last two kids, (hopefully i will with this one too!!) 3. Half of my tounge is still numb from getting my wisdom teeth pulled 3 years ago.

Tag you're it!! Katie, Cim, Val, Lacey, and Rochelle

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