Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 Weeks Old

Boy has time flown by. Macie turned 2 weeks old yesterday. She is growing so fast. She is such a good baby, she eats good, hardly cries or spits up. Which is a complete opposite from the other 2. She starting to look more like her own little person, rather than a clone of Colby. Her little cheeks are getting so chubby, the rolls are soon to follow I'm sure!!


lofgreenlegacy said...

She is absolutely adorable. I love the 2nd picture where she's kinda smiling.

Holman Family said...

Macie is SO cute. But then again she is a Claridge baby so how could she not be? I hope everything is going well for you guys!

Valerie said...

Jennifer. She is so cute! Congratulations!!! I'm so glad she is healthy and happy ( i love the second picture). She is a doll!!