Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chucky Cheese

We went to Tucson yesterday and stayed the night because Colby had to get the tubes removed from his ears early this morning. For some reason unknown to me, whenever one of the kids is going to do something a little scary, I feel as if we need to treat them to something fun. So Colby picked Chucky Cheese. They really had a blast. One of the nurse's this morning referred to it as "Las Vegas for kids", which is so true. Thankfully we were one of 3 families that were there, so the kids just kind of ran all over the place freely.

Anyways, Colby was such a brave little guy, he was a bit nervous at first, but Chris was able to go in with him until he fell asleep so it really eased his mind. They let me in recovery as soon as he started to wake up. Right when I walked in his room, he looked at me and said "mom I feel good"!!! Little stinker really seems to like being "groggy" from the anesthesia. He likes the gas at the dentist also. So he did great and we were only there for about 20 min from when they started the surgery to when we were walking out the door.

Here are some pictures from Chucky Cheese.

Chucky Cheese- where a dad can be a kid!!!

Becca playing ski ball

Colby playing ski ball

Riding a wave runner

Teamwork, Becca went thru each one and would put the tokens in, and Colby would roll the balls!!!

Colby eating pizza


lofgreenlegacy said...

Awww, very cute. I too always want to treat my kids if something not very good is happening. When Kamri got her tonsils out last year. I took her to Mesa and we went shopping and out to eat the day before her surgery. It's just what a mom does. :)

Windsor World said...

Awww I love Chucky cheese!! I didn't know you had to take the tubes out?!? I just put some in Kannon ears in April.. well I really didn't but the Dr. did :) I just thought they fell out evenually... How he is feeling ok!! See you Monday!

Desiree said...

Hello!!! Gosh it has been forever. Thanks for finding me! Wow, what a small world that you are in Jared's ward. We were just out there 2 weeks ago. But we left the morning before church.

How are you? Nice work on the kids. I have a lot of catching up to do in the kid department. We gotta get going on that. Update me on ya!

Hope all is well and of course you have to add me and I'll add you to keep in touch.